Your address will show here +12 34 56 78
Data and Market.

Currently YORZ is running a nationwide pilot in North Macedonia to validate market- and product assumptions and related business models and revenue streams. The pilot consists of two phases. Phase 1 focusses on obtaining / extracting anonymous purchase data on SKU level, retrieved directly from the POS.

This anonymous data set cannot be related to one specific person.  Based on the richness of this data, it is extremely useful for the analysis and optimization of product- and store performance. Due to the detailed insights of the sold SKUs, their product (basket) correlation, in combination with instore- and location information, it is the dataset every brand owner and/or manager can use to gain Indepth brand insights (of their own, and, competitive brands)

Phase 2 of the pilot will start in Q3 of this year (2022).  During this phase we will start rolling out the YORZ app to Consumers allowing YORZ to obtain identified (personal) data, derived directly from the POS and on SKU level.  Based on given consent of the YORZ users, brand owners/ managers have access to contact information, purchase behavior etc. In addition, they will be able to gain in dept brand and consumer analysis YORZ is offering and unique brand-user communication channels for brand managers to use among other things, and to (re)establish and deepen the brand-user relationships.
Data Access.

YORZ will provide access in two different ways. Buyers can get access via our Web-portal and/or through direct API integration which can be integrated with your Data Management Platform (DMP).

Data Attributes.

The current data model that is tested consists of about 40 data attributes. For an overview of our anonymous data model (JSON format), please see here. Regarding the personal data attributes, we will share these sets during the second phase of our pilot starts. (Q3, 2022)
Connected Retailers and Results, still counting:

SME Merchants

Large Retail

Receipts captured to date

Line items captured (incl. SKUs)

POS systems SME

POS # Large Retail